Here's what everyone should know about putting out a cooking fire. Don't feed it air. Drop a lid on it. Do not use water. At the very least it will cause a skillet to flame up big before it goes out. [Your Grandmother Snider and I melted the kitchen curtains doing that, back in the day. We were lucky that's all that happened.] A fire inside the oven will generally go out if you turn off the oven and keep the door closed. Opening the door will feed it air. Also. Buy a box of baking soda and keep it in the cupboard close to (but not above) your stove. If you catch something on fire, rip the top off the box and dump the soda on it. And never hesitate to call 911 if you don't get it on absolutely the first try. I believe you have a fire extinguisher that's certified for oil and electrical fires. It'll say on the label. Keep it in the kitchen. Know how to use it.
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